Be here!


Have a great Saturday, everyone! Enjoy your day fully, and be here, right now!

I have been waiting for Saturday since Monday…not, that it was a terrible week – as a matter of fact, it was very enjoyable! Still, I have great plans for today: laziness will be the theme ☺

So , what´s up for today?

  • Hanging around with my dog doing nothing
  • DSCF8011
  • Doing my cross-stitch new project (yes, and cows are involved again)


  • Finishing my friend’s scarf



  • Thinking about a new project I’ve been wanting to do (no pictures, yet!!!)
  • Reading a bit

sacred economics


  • Yoga
  • And pancakes! ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺ (pictures are comming)

What about you? What are you Saturday plans?

About Rixa

Rixa nasceu no Porto, em 1977. Desde cedo, sempre teve uma visão artística do mundo, tendo sido vitrinista durante grande parte da sua vida profissional. Nesta altura, viajou pelo mundo, para se inteirar de modas e tendências...e apaixonou-se pela pintura. Em Londres e em Paris visitou vários museus, mas foi a cultura citadina que mais o influenciou. A música, em concreto os anos 80 e o movimento punk, estão presentes em muitos dos seus trabalhos. Assim, como Porto, cidade em que nasceu e que considera a cidade mais bonita do mundo. Contactos: Site Facebook Instagram Email In English: Rixa was born in Porto in 1977. From an early age, he always had an artistic vision of the world, having been a window dressing for most of his professional life. At this point, he traveled the world to learn about fashions and trends ... and fell in love with painting. In London and Paris, he visited several museums, but it was the city culture that most influenced him. Music, in particular the 80's and the punk movement, are present in many of his works. As is Porto, the city where he was born and which considers the most beautiful city in the world. Contacts: site Facebook Instagram Email
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3 Responses to Be here!

  1. maeussle says:

    I just love your cows 😉 Where do you get the patterns from? They really put a smile on my face! Your dog looks like he’s/she’s been longing for Saturday to come, too! Great yarn color. I’m sure your friend will appreciate it! My Saturday plans are going to costco and continue knitting on a cowl I’m making for my mom 🙂 Enjoy your Saturday!

    • Inês says:

      Hi there! Thank you! The cowl you’re working is beatiful! Lucky mom! The drawings from the cows I ‘ve got them from the internet – I can’t recall where! They are a little blury, particulalrly this last one ( I had to draw it myself)! Still, I am glad to send them to you by email, if you want!
      Enjoy your saturday! xoxo

      • maeussle says:

        Thank you! And yes I’d love to have the cow drawings if it’s not a hassle to you. I might get the itch to stitch again which I haven’t done in years.

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